Rune Mugs
Regular size: 4 3/8″ inches tall, 19 ounce capacity, $35
A slightly larger size comes as a cup without a handle for $25.
Large size mug: 6″ inches tall, 32 ounce capacity, $40

The Anglo-Saxon Runes on this mug spell out the four ancient elemental forces of nature:
Earth | Air | Fire | Water
There are celtic knots on the top and bottom of the handle.
To make this mug, I carved individual letter stamps from clay and press them into a flat slab of clay before forming it into a cylinder and adding a pulled handle and slab bottom. The band of runes and the celtic knots on the handle are stained with iron oxide. The mugs pictured above are glazed in a glossy Black, satin Green, and a new satin Tuquoise glaze. |

Front row and middle of the middle row are medium mugs. Cups are on each end of the middle row. Large mugs are on the top row. |